Heritage Bible Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Heritage BasicsHeritage BasicsHeritage Basics is not just a class, it's a journey. A quest that will answers questions and ultimately give you a confidence and a peace that will set your feet firmly on God's Word. This journey is a 13 week course that will include a weekly sermon, worksheets, and a "Sunday School" class where we will dig a little deeper into the subject of the week.
Heritage Bible Church strives to ensure that our congregation is firmly rooted in the basic teachings of the faith. I pray that this class will play a key role in the spiritual growth of our church family for years to come. As friends and family come to follow Christ, it will provide a rock solid theological foundation as they begin their spiritual growth in Christ. It will allow mature Christians to hone their understanding of vital doctrines and it will equip them for evangelism and discipleship. It is my prayer that this class will continue to provide a Biblical unity peace within Heritage Bible Church. This is the only kind of unity that truly means anything in the church, based on a proper understanding of God's Word. Heritage Basic Resources:Lesson 1, The Bible Lesson 2, Studying The Bible Lesson 3, GOD, Who is He? Lesson 4, Who is Jesus? Lesson 5, The Work of Christ Lesson 6, What is Salvation? Lesson 7, Who is the Holy Spirit Lesson 8, Prayer
Lesson 9, The Church, what is it? Lesson 10, Spiritual Gifts Worksheets for Lesson 10- "Spiritual Gifts," Click to Download/View & Print
Lesson 11, Telling Others, Evangelism Lesson 12, Love and Obedience Lesson 13, How can we know God's Will |