Heritage Bible Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Study to show yourself approved by God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Welcome toHeritage Bible ChurchHeritage Bible Church, Port Lavaca, TX. As a Church Plant we are excited to see the Sovereign Lord working through us, growing us, and using us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community here in Port Lavaca, TX. WHERE ARE WE LOCATED?We are excited at Heritage Bible for the work the Lord is doing in the hearts of our Christian family members at
1901 Holloman Dr.,Port Lavaca, TX 77979Check us out on Facebook:
Where you will find more updates, events, live and recorded sermons.
Featured SermonJude 1-3; Be a Contender, by Dustin Jenkins |
Just for You...Heritage BasicsS.W.E.A.T Teams Service Times:Sunday Worship 11:00 amSunday School 9:30 AMWednesday bible study 7:00 pmWednesday Pot-Luck Dinner 6:00 pm |